Who is ripe for disruption and thus digital transformation?

As I found some time to do some reading, listening and thinking on disruption and digital transformation, the question I came upon was – “what industries/companies do you think are ripe for disruption and digital transformation?”. The answer to this question is obviously not very easy to find, as it is a very complicated subject. However, there is a marker that could make this search a little bit easier, at least in the context that you live your life in. And it is not a marker that I have found. Many authors have written about it; many leaders have talked about it – the marker is “frustration”. They say, if there is something you are frustrated about and the same frustration is expressed by others as well, it is very likely that there is an opportunity ripe for disruption and thus (as response or pre-emptive strike against disruption) ripe for digital transformation. So, being frustrated at my wife for asking me to do household chores while I’m busy thinking about digital transformation does not qualify for the list – though the concept of a digital life partner may not be too far away (at least the ones who could do your household chores without bothering you) :).

Anyway, back to the topic – after some thought, here is my list of my biggest frustrations (along with why I think so):

  • Telecommunications

    • Charge a lot

    • Bureaucratic

    • Protected

  • Banks

    • Charge a lot

    • Bureaucratic

    • Protected

  • Airlines

    • Charge a lot

    • Bad quality of service

  • Public Transportation

    • Too slow or not available in many places

  • Government

    • Too slow

    • Bad quality of service

    • Protected

  • Contractors

    • Cost a lot

    • Unpredictable

  • Recruiters

    • Extremely ineffective (90% cases)

    • Spam a lot

    • Interaction is very transactional (in most cases)

    • Demand-driven

Whats your thought on it? What frustrates you in your day-to-day life? Do you think the same thing frustrates other people as well? Let's see what you can add to the list?